Galatians 3:1-5 (Part 2)...Mike Fitzpatrick...3/27/22


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Galatians 3:1-5 (Part 2)

The Failure of Legalism 3:1-4:31

  1. _____________________ did not play a role in the Galatians:



… _________________________________

  • “foolish”... a sinful _______________________ of not _____________________________ to information you have or ________________________

    • Someone who:

Q. Truth set aside here? Christ’s ______________________________ death (Acts 13:38-39)

Verse 4… “suffered”? What is Paul referring to?




  4. “Suffer” = 



    • “so many things”... the __________________________ experiences the Galatians underwent

… in other words: have you ____________________ God’s ________________________ for nothing?

Verse 5… God’s work:

  • Provides = 

  • Miracles = 

    • Emphasis?


Galatians 3:1-5 (Part 2)

The Failure of Legalism 3:1-4:31

  1. Works did not play a role in the Galatians:

    •    Justification (being declared legally righteous by God)

    •    Sanctification (becoming more holy as God works in you)

faith did play a saved them

  • “foolish”... a sinful act of not paying attention to information you have or should have

    • Someone who: disregards God's revelation (a spiritually dull attitude and heart)

Q. Truth set aside here? Christ’s all sufficient death (Acts 13:38-39)

Verse 4… “suffered”? What is Paul referring to?

  1.   Actual suffering because of their conversion (most study bibles are of this opinion)

  2.   Unnecessary suffering (said to be brought on by neglect of God's Law)

  3.   How to avoid suffering (by obeying law-Paul being sarcastic)

  4. “Suffer” = to be affected, to experience

    •   a neutral word

    •   can be used in a bad or good sense

    • “so many things”... the positive experiences the Galatians underwent

… in other words: have you experienced God’s _work inside of you for nothing?

Verse 5… God’s work: among them

  • Provides = a type of provision that is a generosity born of love

    • the way a husband provides for a wife
    • implies an abundance of provision

  • Miracles = power...God's power as it's manifested in various ways (used in Romans 1:16)

    • Emphasis?

      • on God
        • who graciously provides His Spirit
        • who greatly works among His people
