Revelation 1:4-8…Mike Fitzpatrick

Salutation of the Letter (3 parts) 

     1. Author

     2. Recipients

     3. Greeting

Source of the Greeting (3 parts)

     1. God the Father

     2. God the Holy Spirit

     3. God the Son

a. His Person (3 parts)…. 3 titles from Psalm 89 (a royal Psalm)…all emphasized the coming kingdom…a comfort, encouragement to Israel, a warning to their enemies.

1. faithful witness… Ps 89.37

2. firstborn of the dead… Ps 89.27

3. Ruler of kings of earth… Ps 89.27

b. His Work (3 parts)

1. His present work: "To Him who loves us"

↳agape, present tense

2. His past work:

a. He has washed us from our sins by His own blood

↳ Freed, released

b. He has -when made us ("assigned us") us as a kingdom of priests. We obey God, we put Him on display.

3. His future work:

"...He is coming with clouds...." (NKJV) 


a. Those who pierced Him (believing Jewish remnant) Zech. 12:10

b. All the tribes of the earth will mourn (Isaiah 53)

The Signature:

  1. Alpha & Omega (omniscience)

  2. is, was, to come (omnipresence)

  3. almighty (omnipotence)
