1 Peter 1:17-21…Our Response to Redemption...Mark Rater...10/10/21


  1 Peter 1:17-21…Our Response To Redemption

(without blanks…scroll down for outline with blanks filled in)

vv3-5…Christ, Our Living Hope

born again though Christ to a living hope of eternal life in Christ and an inheritance of and with Christ

vv6-7…Rejoicing in Purposeful Trials

great rejoicing in the midst of temporary, trials that refine our faith and increase our capacity to glorify God

vv8-9…Joy, Glory, and the Outcome of Our Faith      loving faith in God who we cannot yet see…rejoicing and giving Him glory on our way to Heaven 

vv 10-16…Salvation so great: The Prophets, The Angels, and The Believers

 salvation that is so great that: 

  • the prophets who proclaimed wondered who Christ was and when He would come. 

  • the angels longed to see it. 

  • we are to respond with holy living as we set our hope in Christ and His return. 

  1. V 17…Sons and daughters of God are to _______________ God

    1. Who is a son or a daughter of God?

      1. Not all are…Jn 1:12-13

      2. How you can be/are…Gal 4:4-6, Romans 8:15, Luke 11:2

    2. A child of the one who _______________ ____________________

      1. Romans 2:4-16…Man judged based on his ________________

      2. our only hope: Christ’s ________________ __________________ to us…Romans 3:21-26

    3. Conduct yourselves: 

    4. Fear: 

    5. Fear God during your temporary stay on earth

      1. Temporary: 

  1. V 18…Fear God __________________ you were ______________________

    1. Redeemed: 

    2. Redeemed from: 

      1. Slavery to ___________ and ___________…Rom 8:1-4

      2. The __________________ of the Law…Gal 3:13

      3. Lawless ________________________…Titus 2:14

  1. V 19…You were redeemed with the ___________ __________ of Christ

    1. Precious: 

    2. As of a lamb…Exodus 12:3-6; Lev 23:12; Num 6:14;28:3…pictures Christ’s _____________ ______________ and _____________________ __________________________

      1. Unblemished-

      2. Spotless-

  1. V 20…Christ was ___________________ before the foundation of the world…

    1. Foreknown: 

    2. The redemption of sinners through Christ was ________________ by God from eternity past (Acts 2:23, 2 Tim 1:9)

  1. Yet Christ appeared in these last times for the sake of believers

    1. Last times: 

    2. V 21…For belief in God ________________ Christ

      1. Belief: 

      2. through the death and Resurrection of Christ

    3. For faith and hope in God

      1. Faith: 

      2. Hope: 



Peter 1:17-21…Our Response To Redemption

(With blanks filled in)

  1. V 17…Sons and daughters of God are to fear God

    1. Who is a son or a daughter of God?

      1. Not all are…Jn 1:12-13

      2. How you can be/are…Gal 4:4-6, Romans 8:15, Luke 11:2

    2. A child of the one who judges  impartially 

      1. Romans 2:4-16…Man judged based on his works

      2. our only hope: Christ’s righteousness applied to us…Romans 3:21-26

    3. Conduct yourselves: behave this way

    4. Fear: terror, awe, reverence

    5. Fear God during your temporary stay on earth

      1. Temporary: a temporary stay in a foreign land…this world  is not the believer’s home, Heaven is

  1. V 18…Fear God because you were redeemed

    1. Redeemed: purchased at a great cost

    2. Redeemed from: 

      1. Slavery to sin and death…Rom 8:1-4

      2. The curse of the Law…Gal 3:13

      3. Lawless deeds…Titus 2:14

  1. V 19…You were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ

    1. Precious: costly, of great value

    2. As of a lamb…Exodus 12:3-6; Lev 23:12; Num 6:14;28:3…pictures Christ’s sinless life and sacrificial death 

      1. Unblemished-pure from within

      2. Spotless-pure from outside contamination

  1. V 20…Christ was before the foundation of the world…

    1. Foreknown: to know beforehand, to ordain beforehand

    2. The redemption of sinners through Christ was planned by God from eternity past (Acts 2:23, 2 Tim 1:9)

  1. Yet Christ appeared in these last times for the sake of believers

    1. Last times: the time between Christ’s first and  second coming

    2. V 21…For belief in God through Christ

      1. Belief: internal trust

      2. through the death and Resurrection of Christ

    3. For faith and hope in God

      1. Faith: trust in Christ

      2. Hope: confident expectation, guarantee
