1 Peter 1:3-16 Overview


vv3-5…Christ, Our Living Hope

born again though Christ to a living hope of eternal life in Christ and an inheritance of and with Christ

vv6-7…Rejoicing in Purposeful Trials

great rejoicing in the midst of temporary, trials that refine our faith and increase our capacity to glorify God

vv8-9…Joy, Glory, and the Outcome of Our Faith      loving faith in God who we cannot yet see…rejoicing and giving Him glory on our way to Heaven 

vv 10-16…Salvation so great: The Prophets, The Angels, and The Believers

 salvation that is so great that: 

  • the prophets who proclaimed wondered who Christ was and when He would come. 

  • the angels longed to see it. 

  • we are to respond with holy living as we set our hope in Christ and His return. 
