Galataians 1:6-9...Mike Fitzpatrick...10/24/21

Galataians 1:6-9…without blanks (scroll down for outline with blanks filled in)

Verse 6


  • Three things contribute to Paul’s astonishment:


      • desert:

    • tacheos:

      • 1 Tim 5:22

    • They turned to a _________________________ gospel

      • heteros

Verse 7

… Paul’s gospel (Acts 13:38-39)

  • Jesus _______________________ to __________________________ you from ____________________________

… Man’s required response: ____________________________________

  • allos:

  • distort:

  • disturb:

Verse 8 & 9

  • Truth test:

    • always agrees with what ________________________ has __________________________ _____________________

    • anathama: 


Galataians 1:6-9…with blanks filled in

Verse 6


  • Three things contribute to Paul’s astonishment:

    •     They had deserted God   

      • Desert: to change sides…a military term

    • Tacheos: easily, quickly

      • 1 Tim 5:22

    • They turned to a different gospel

      • Heteros: another of a different kind

Verse 7

… Paul’s gospel (Acts 13:38-39)

  • Jesus died to save you from sin

… Man’s required response: believe

  • Allos: another of the same kind

  • Distort:  to reverse, to turn around

  • Disturb: to agitate, take away calmness of mind

Verse 8 & 9

  • Truth test:

    • always agrees with what God has already  said or revealed

    • anathama: one devoted to destruction…condemned…damned to hell
