Galatians 1:1-5...Mike Fitzpatrick...9/19/21

Galatians 1:1-5…(without blanks…scroll down for outline with blanks filled in)

Verse 1

  • “Apostle” = 

  • In chapters 1 & 2, Paul will _____________________________ his ______________________________

    Q. Why? That was under ________________________________

  • Qualifications:

    • Jesus’ _____________________________ to ascension (Acts 1:21-22) 

    • Eyewitness of ___________________________ (1 Cor. 15:4-10a)

    • Chosen by ____________________________ (Luke 6:12-16, Acts 9)

  • Apostles:

    • A _____________________________ order

    • Called and sent forth… given ___________________ by _________________________

    • They ________________________________ for Him and _____________________________ on His behalf

Verse 2

  1. Paul’s words were _________________________________ with the teaching at _______________________________

  2. Paul calls them ______________________________ not ____________________________

    1. Barnabas (Acts 14:14)

Verse 3… Paul’s hope for his readers?

  1. Grace = 

    1. ______________________________ of salvation

    2. ______________________________of the gospel

  1. Peace

    1. _______________________________ of grace

    2. _______________________________ of the gospel

    3. …. experienced in 2 ways:

      1. peace _________________ God (Rom. 5:1)

      2. peace _________________ God (John 14:27)

Verse 4 & 5… Four gospel centered truths

  1. Christ ____________________________ Himself for our sins (1 Peter 3:18)

  2. To _____________________________ us from the present evil age (Col. 1:13)

    1. Deliver = 

  3. Q. Why? Because God:

  4. God’s purpose in rescue?


Galatians 1:1-5…(with blanks filled in)

-Holiness is a work that God does in us by His grace. 

Verse 1

  • “Apostle” = one sent forth 

  • In chapters 1 & 2, Paul will defend his apostleship

Q. Why? That was under attack

  • Qualifications:

    • Jesus’ baptism to ascension (Acts 1:21-22) 

    • Eyewitness of the resurrection  (1 Cor. 15:4-10a)

    • Chosen by Jesus Christ (Luke 6:12-16, Acts 9)

  • Apostles:

    • A limited order

    • Called and sent forth… given commissions  by Christ personally

    • They spoke for Him and acted on His behalf

Verse 2

  1. Paul’s words were consistent with the teaching at the church in Antioch

  2. Paul calls them brethren not apostles

    1. Barnabas (Acts 14:14)-Barnabas is called a =n apostle in this passage…a small “a” apostle. 

Verse 3… Paul’s hope for his readers?

  1. Grace = unmerited favor

    1. source of salvation

    2. Root of the gospel

  1. Peace

    1. result of grace

    2. fruit  of the gospel

    3. …. experienced in 2 ways:

      1. peace with God (Rom. 5:1)

      2. peace of God (John 14:27)

Verse 4 & 5… Four gospel centered truths

  1. Christ gave Himself for our sins (1 Peter 3:18)

  2. To deliver us from the present evil age (Col. 1:13)

    1. Deliver = to pluck out or tear out (a violent “do whatever it takes” word)

  3. Q. Why? Because God: wanted to

  4. God’s purpose in rescue? It brings Him glory
