Introduction to Galatians...Mike Fitzpatrick...9/12/21

Introduction to Galatians

(without blanks…scroll down for outline with blanks filled in)

Acts 1:6-8

  • Gospel to the __________________________________ Act 1-7

  • Gospel to the __________________________________ Acts 8

  • Gospel to the __________________________________ Acts 9f

Four towns in Southern Galatia:

  1. Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:14-52)

  2. Iconium (Acts 14:1-7)

  3. Lystra (Acts 14:8-19)

  4. Derbe (Acts 14:20-21)

Paul’s radical gospel (Acts 13:38-39)

  • The good news: _______________________ of sin through ______________________

  • Appropriated by simple _______________________________ (v.39)

Salvation… 3 tenses:

  1. Past

    1. ____________________________, saved from sin’s ____________________________

  2. Future

    1. ____________________________, saved from sin’s ____________________________

  3. Present

    1. ____________________________, saved from sin’s ____________________________


Introduction to Galatians…(with blanks filled in)

-Galatians was written to correct the error that sanctification comes through keeping the law…

Acts 1:6-8

  • Gospel to the Jew (Jerusalem) Act 1-7

  • Gospel to the Half Jew (Samaria)Acts 8

  • Gospel to the Gentile (Ends of the Earth) Acts 9f

Four towns in Southern Galatia:

  1. Pisidian Antioch (Acts 13:14-52)

  2. Iconium (Acts 14:1-7)

  3. Lystra (Acts 14:8-19)

  4. Derbe (Acts 14:20-21)

Paul’s radical gospel (Acts 13:38-39)

  • The good news: forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ

  • Appropriated by simple Faith (v.39)

Salvation… 3 tenses: (all three are by faith in Christ, not law keeping)

  1. Past

    1. Justification, saved from sin’s penaltywhen you place your faith in Christ

  2. Future

    1. Glorification, saved from sin’s presenceat Christ’s return 

  3. Present

    1. Sanctification, saved from sin’s powerongoing by faith, not behavior modification

-Romans 3:21 includes all three phases of salvation

-God’s provision for holiness: The Holy Spirit

-It’s not…you’re saved by grace, by Christ, and now sanctification and holiness are up to you by keeping the rules.

-God is not in the business of behavior modification. He wants your heart.
