Revelation 15:1-4... Mike Fitzpatrick... 11/14/21

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Revelation 15:1-4…with blanks (scroll down for the outline with blanks filled in)

… Chapter 15, the _______________________________ in heaven for the ________________________ judgements

  • Chapter 16?

  • end verse 2

    • harps of _________________________

    • purpose?

  • Verse 3a

    • Q1 Which song of Moses?

    • Q2 What is the song of the Lamb?

      • Answer:

  • Verse 3b… a celebration of God’s _____________________ and ________________________________

    • What

    • Who

    • His works made possible by His _______________

    • His ways: ___________________ & __________________

  • Verse 4… tense?

    • Fear:

    • Glorify:

      • “Name”... total ___________________________ of who God is

Q. Why will the nations glorify?... 2 reasons


    1. Emphasis?

    2. Isaiah 2:2-4, 66:23-24, Zech 8:20-22, 14:16-21, Psalm 86:8-10

  2. God’s righteous acts _______________________________

    1. “righteous acts” =                                     

    2. Favorable? Unfavorable?

… Song of Moses??

  1. Deuteronomy 32:1-43

    1. Theme?

    2. Large portion given to Israel’s ______________________ (v. 15-30)

  2. Exodus 15:1-18

    1. Theme?

    2. Focus?

    3. Ex. 15:17-18


Revelation 15:1-4...with blanks filled in

Chapter 15, the preparation in heaven for the bowl judgements

  • Chapter 16?-The judgment themselves.

• end verse 2

  • harps of God 

  • purpose?- Used in the worship of God (chapter 5)

• Verse 3a

  • Q1 Which song of Moses?

  • Q2 What is the song of the Lamb?

■ Answer: Exodus 15:1-18 (see last section of outline)

  • Verse 3b... a celebration of God's works and ways 

    • What He does

  • Who He is

  • His works made possible by His might

  • His ways: just & true

  • Verse 4... tense? = Future

    • Fear: to terrify, to sieze with alarm, to put. to flight

    • Glorify: Praise, magnify, and honor

      • "Name"... total revelation of who God is

Q. Why will the nations glorify?... 2 reasons

1. God's holiness

a. Emphasis? = God being set apart from everything

b. Isaiah 2:2-4, 66:23-24, Zech 8:20-22, 14:16-21, Psalm 86:8-10

2. God's righteous acts revealed

a. "righteous acts" = judicial verdicts

b. Favorable? Unfavorable?

…Song of Moses??

  1. Deuteronomy 32:1-43

    1. Theme? How just and faithful God is

    2. Large portion given to Israel's Unfaithfulness (v. 15-30)

  2. Exodus 15:1-18 

    1. Theme? A song of rescue and deliverance

    2. Focus? on God only, not men. God is the rescuer.

    3. Ex. 15:17-18
