In the Old Testament, Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? -Part One...Isaiah 9:6…Mike Fitzpatrick…12/19/21

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In the Old Testament, Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? 
Part One
Isaiah 9:6

  • Son of God:

  • In eternity past, God the son was ____________________ in person and ________________________ (wholly divine)

    • In Bethlehem, He became:




  • Creator and ____________________ of the universe

  • Angel of the Lord… God the son “before the manger”

… 3 reasons He has to be Jesus:

  • He is identified as _____________________________

  • Angel:

  1. In Exodus 3:1-2,6… sent by ____________________ and _______________________ as Yahweh

  • v.13-14… “I AM”... eternal _______________________

  1. Judges 13:1-3, 17-18… “wonderful” means:

  • Isaiah 9:6… Everlasting Father?... means: Father of _______________________________

  • Micah 5:2… “from ancient days” = days of _________________________________ time

  1. Genesis 16:1-10, 13… the Angel demonstrates He is all _____________________ and all ___________________________

  2. Genesis 22:9-18

  • Angel knows Abraham’s ______________________, which includes information concerning one of his _________________________

Q. How can He know that?




In the Old Testament, Who Is The Angel Of The Lord? 
Part One
Isaiah 9:6
  • Son of God:
    • Not the offspring of God
    • "in the order of" God
    • Christ's deity is the same as God
                1 Kings 20:35  sons of  ("in the order of") the prophets
                Nehemiah 12:28  sons of ("in the  order of ") the singers

  • In eternity past, God the son was one in person and nature (wholly divine)

    • In Bethlehem, He became: two natures (permanently added a human nature to his deity)


  • So he could dwell with man     

  • As a man, he could die      

  • Creator and sustainer of the universe

  • Angel of the Lord… God the son “before the manger”

… 3 reasons He has to be Jesus:

  • He is identified as Yaweh

  • Angel: one who is sent

  1. In Exodus 3:1-2,6… sent by Yaweh and identified as Yahweh

  • v.13-14… “I AM”... eternal self existence

  1. Judges 13:1-3, 17-18… “wonderful” means: beyond human capacity to understand

  • Isaiah 9:6… Everlasting Father?... means: Father of eternity (timeless)

  • Micah 5:2… “from ancient days” = days of immeasurable time

  1. Genesis 16:1-10, 13… the Angel demonstrates He is all powerful and all knowing

  2. Genesis 22:9-18

  • Angel knows Abraham’s future, which includes information concerning one of his descendants

Q. How can He know that?

  1.    He is God  

  2.    He is that future descendant


