Christ is Born In The Flesh …Luke 2:1-14...Mark Rater...12/26/21


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Luke 2:1-14

Christ is Born In The Flesh 

  • God promised a ____________________ 

  • The _____________________ Waited In Anticipation 

  • Then It Happened…The Birth Account 

    • Luke 2:1-14


  1. The ___________________ of God _____________________

    1. Prophecy:  

      1. 2 Peter 1:16-21

    2. Prophecy in this instance-the ________________ of the _______________ 

Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:22

  1. The ________________ of God is _____________________ 

    1. Providence- 

    2. Providence in this instance-God directing the _____________  ,  ___________________ , and __________________________of the birth of Jesus 

  2. The _____________________________________ of God Is Clear (The Humble Estate of our Savior)


  1. The __________________________of God is Given “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

    1. An __________________ of the Lord 

    2. The ________________ of the Lord 

    3. A _____________________ from the Lord

    4. The __________________  ________________ of the Lord

The rest of the NT: 

  1. Christ’s_____________________  __________________________ of preaching, teaching and healing…Matthew 4-9

  1. Christ’s bodily death and ___________________ for the ___________________________ of sin…2 Corinthians 5:21

  1. Christ’s ascension to God’s right hand and His current ministry

    1. ________________________: 1 Tim 2:5

    2. _________________________:1 John 2:1

    3. _________________________: Romans 8:33-34 

  2. Christ’s _________________ (Revelation 1:6-7, 3:11; 20:1-22:13)


Luke 2:1-14

Christ is Born In The Flesh 

  • God promised a Savior 

  • The Faithful Waited In Anticipation 

  • Then It Happened…The Birth Account 

    • Luke 2:1-14


  1. The Prophecy of God Fulfilled

    1. Prophecy:  A foretelling; prediction; a declaration of something to come…a message from God.

      1. 2 Peter 1:16-21

    2. Prophecy in this instance-the birth of the Savior 

Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:22

  1. The Providence of God is Evident 

    1. Providence- the means by which God directs all things

    2. Providence in this instance-God directing the location, timing, and circumstances  of the birth of Jesus 

  2. The Humility of God Is Clear (The Humble Estate of our Savior)


  1. The Approval of God is Given “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

    1. An angel of the Lord 

    2. The Glory of the Lord 

    3. A sign from the Lord

    4. The Heavenly Host of the Lord

The rest of the NT: 

  1. Christ’s earthly ministry of preaching, teaching and healing…Matthew 4-9

  1. Christ’s bodily death and resurrection for the atonement of sin…2 Corinthians 5:21

  1. Christ’s ascension to God’s right hand and His current ministry

    1. Mediator: 1 Tim 2:5

    2. Advocate:1 John 2:1

    3. Intercessor: Romans 8:33-34 

  2. Christ’s return (Revelation 1:6-7, 3:11; 20:1-22:13)

How Can I Be Saved? 
