Revelation 15:5-8…Mike Fitzpatrick…12/12/21

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Revelation 15:5-8

Verse 5

  • “Looked”... John saw and _______________________________

    • In verses 1-4, the ____________________________ of God’s wrath: _____________________________________

    • 5-8? The ________________________ of God’s wrath

  • “Testimony”:

    • Exodus 31:18. 32:15

  • “Tabernacle”... the __________________________ place housing God’s ____________________

  • “Temple” [nah-oś]:

  • Ark of the Covenant (11:19)... a _______________________ of God’s ____________________________

    • The place God:

    • Reminded of:

      • Tablets of Law pointed to God’s __________________________ standard

      • Aaron’s rod (Num. 16, 17), God’s faithful appointing of ___________________ and His ___________________________ of them

      • Manna… God faithfully _________________ and will ____________________

Verse 6… the 3rd and final “woe”

  • Woe #1:

  • Woe #2:

… seven angels: ____________________ by God, ___________________ of God’s justice, acting on God’s ___________________________

  • Clothing symbolizes:

  • Golden sashes girded… prepared to ___________________

Verse 7 

  • Four living creatures… cherubim who manifest and protect certain aspects of God’s glory and ___________________

    • Involved in:

    • Held golden _______________________ in chapter 5

  • Bowls full of God’s wrath

    • “Full” = 

    • “Wrath” [thoo-mós]:

Verse 8

  • Smoke = 

    • Sanctuary becomes _________________________

    • Means: 


 Revelation 15:5-8

Verse 5

  • “Looked”... John saw and understood

    • In verses 1-4, the cause of God’s wrath: vindication

    • 5-8? The source of God’s wrath

  • “Testimony”: God's Law (the 10 commandments, which are a revelation of the righteous will of God

    • Exodus 31:18. 32:15
  • “Tabernacle”... the dwelling place housing God’s Law (the Temple)

  • “Temple” [nah-oś]: the sanctuary

  • Ark of the Covenant (11:19)... a symbol of God’s presence (Ex 25:17, Lev 16:2, Num 7:89)

    • The place God: met man

    • Reminded of: God's faithfulness

      • Tablets of Law pointed to God’s impossible standard

      • Aaron’s rod (Num. 16, 17), God’s faithful appointing of leaders and His protection of them

      • Manna… God faithfully fed and will feed

Verse 6… the 3rd and final “woe”

  • Woe #1: demonic locusts

  • Woe #2: demonic army

… seven angels: sent by God, ministers of God’s justice, acting on God’s behalf

  • Clothing symbolizes: righteousness

  • Golden sashes girded… prepared to act

Verse 7 

  • Four living creatures… cherubim who manifest and protect certain aspects of God’s glory and essence

    • Involved in: opening of the first four seals

    • Held golden bowls of incense in chapter 5

  • Bowls full of God’s wrath

    • “Full” = filled to the brim

    • “Wrath” [thoo-mós]: God's anger in action

Verse 8

  • Smoke = visible manifestation of God's glory and power

    • Sanctuary becomes unapproachable

    • Means: this judgment is irreversible

