Galatians 2:11-13...Mike Fitzpatrick...1/30/22

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 Galatians 2:11-13

Verse 11

Q. We know why Paul went to Jerusalem (2:2). Why does Peter come to Antioch? _________________________________________

Q. Happens when?



*A Possibility:


  • Paul ______________________ Peter

  • Peter:



Verse 12

  • Jews in the OT were to refrain from eating certain types of _______________________ (Lev. 11:2-47, Deut. 14:3-21)

    • Jesus declared all foods ________________________________ (Matt. 15:10-11, Mark 7:9)

    • OT Law did not forbid Jews from ________________________________ with _____________________________________

… Purpose of the church?




Q. “Men who came from James”?


  • Believers?

*Used to eat”... implies: _____________________________ of ______________________________

Q. Peter’s response? He _____________________________ and he ____________________________________________________

  • Peter’s “drawing back” was:

Q. Peter’s motive? _______________________________________________

Q. Peter’s real problem: He ________________________________ the _________________________________________

Verse 13

Q. Hypocritical how?

__________________________ didn’t match __________________________

  • Peter’s:

  • His actions?


 Galatians 2:11-13

Verse 11

Q. We know why Paul went to Jerusalem (2:2). Why does Peter come to Antioch? we're not told

Q. Happens when?

After:   Galatians 2:9

Before: Acts 15-Jerusalem Council

*A Possibility: Shortly after Acts 14:26-28

…Apostles: not always inspired (they were still human...yet always inspired in their writing)

  • Paul opposed Peter

  • Peter: stood condemned

*Opposed: to set oneself against, to withstand, to resist

*Condemned: to find fault, accuse

Verse 12

  • Jews in the OT were to refrain from eating certain types of foods (Lev. 11:2-47, Deut. 14:3-21)

    • Jesus declared all foods to be clean (Matt. 15:10-11, Mark 7:9)

    • OT Law did not forbid Jews from eating with Gentiles

… Purpose of the church?

  1.    To Glorify God (Eph 3:20-21)

  2.    To Edify The Saints (Eph 4:11)

  3. World Evangelism (Matthew 28:19-20)

  -(Robert Lightner)

Q. “Men who came from James”?

  • Believers? We are not told

*Used to eat”... implies: passing of time

Q. Peter’s response? He drew back and he separated himself

  • Peter’s “drawing back” was: gradual (according to the verb tense)

Q. Peter’s motive? fear

Q. Peter’s real problem: He forgot the gospel

Verse 13

Q. Hypocritical how?

practice didn’t match profession

  • Peter: attacked the gospel (unintentional)

  • His actions of drawing back? were intentional

How Can I Be Saved? 
