Galatians 2:11-18…Mike Fitzpatrick…2/20/22

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 Galatians 2:11-18

…the issue (verse 14)

  1. Their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel

    1. “in step”... straightforward, behaving consistently, to act _____________________________

  2. Their behavior __________________________ Gentile converts to become Jewish

    1. “force”:


      2. Peter’s actions were ____________________ with how he had previously behaved

Paul defends his rebuke (verse 15-18)

  1. The believer’s _________________________________ in Christ (v.15-16)

    1. Q. Are these verses a part of Paul’s original rebuke? ________________________________________

    2. Q. Gentile sinners?

      1. Israel was ________________________ (Rom. 3:1-2, 9:4-5), but ________________________ the same way _________________________ are, by _______________________________

      2. Justified:

    3. Q. Opposite?

  1. What would’ve happened without a __________________? (v.17-18)

    1. _________________________ we seek to be justified in Christ

    2. We ourselves have also been found ____________________________

    3. Does this make Christ a _______________________ of sin?

… No, correct ___________________________________, wrong ______________________________


Galatians 2:11-18

…the issue (verse 14)

  1. Their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel

    1. “in step”... straightforward, behaving consistently, to act uprightly

  2. Their behavior forced Gentile converts to become Jewish

    1. “force”: to compel, to constrain, to necessitate

      1.    the gospel didn't require a Christian to become a Jew

      2. Peter’s actions were inconsistent with how he had previously behaved

Paul defends his rebuke (verse 15-18)

  1. The believer’s position in Christ (v.15-16)

    1. Q. Are these verses a part of Paul’s original rebuke? it's likely that a lot of this was said by Paul to Peter

    2. Q. Gentile sinners?

      1. Israel was privileged (Rom. 3:1-2, 9:4-5), but justified the same way gentiles are, by faith

      2. Justified: to declare righteous

    3. Q. Opposite? To condemn

  1. What would’ve happened without a rebuke? (v.17-18)

    1. Since we seek to be justified in Christ

    2. We ourselves have also been found sinners

    3. Does this make Christ a minister of sin?

… No, correct premise, wrong conclusion
