Galatians 2:19-21...Mike Fitzpatrick...2/27/22


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Galatians 2:19-21

… another outline:

  1. Peter rebuked… pronoun? _____________________________

Q. The charge? Peter’s __________________________ inconsistent with his ____________________________

  1. The root of Peter’s hypocrisy? _________________________

    1. Pronoun used? __________________________________

    2. Jews… not superior: ____________________________

Q. Evidence? Both need ________________________ apart from ____________________________

… Paul’s question in v.17 starts with a ___________________:

  1. Jew and Gentile are both _______________________ and in need of __________________________ from __________________________

… and, it ends with a ___________________________:

  1. Christ ___________________________________


…thing 1: grace correctly taught always _____________________________________

…thing 2: working to earn favor _______________________________

  1. How the _______________________ is________________________ v.19-21

    1. Pronoun:

The transformation of a person who has come into a right relationship with God by faith


Q. Why isn’t Paul a law breaker? v.18


… 2 places Law takes man: _____________________________       


Verse 20… the believer’s _________________________ with Jesus in Christ’s ___________________________ and resurrection

  1. Not the need for ___________________________________!

  2. This: the __________________________ of working for ______________________________ under the Law

  3. The gospel:

Verse 21… 2 choices:

  1. Experience ____________________________ and live by ______________________

  2. _______________________ for righteousness/acceptance under _______________________________

  3. Remember:


Galatians 2:19-21

… another outline:

  1. Peter rebuked… pronoun? "you"

Q. The charge? Peter’s doctrine inconsistent with his practice

  1. The root of Peter’s hypocrisy? pride is the root

    1. Pronoun used? "we"

    2. Jews… not superior: privileged

Q. Evidence? Both need justification apart from performance

… Paul’s question in v.17 starts with a correct premise:

  1. Jew and Gentile are both lost and in need of saving from sin

… and, it ends with a wrong conclusion:

  1. Christ promotes sin

    1.   sin is multiplied 

    2. why try

…thing 1: grace correctly taught always ends up here (with an accusation of promoting lawlwssness)

…thing 2: working to earn favor increases sin

  1. How the gospel is different v.19-21

    1. Pronoun: "I"

The transformation of a person who has come into a right relationship with God by faith

  1.    described as a death

Q. Why isn’t Paul a law breaker? v.18

A: the law already killed him

… 2 places Law takes man: condemnation and death       

  1.     the gospel: life lived in a new way

Verse 20… the believer’s union with Jesus in Christ’s death and resurrection

  1. Not the need for sanctification!

  2. This: the futility of working for righteousness under the Law

  3. The gospel: justifies and sanctifies

Verse 21… 2 choices:

  1. Experience God's grace and live by faith

  2. Work for righteousness/acceptance under the law

  3. Remember: the standard is perfection

What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 
