Galatians 3:1-5 (Part 1)…Mike Fitzpatrick…3/20/22

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Galatians 3:1-5 (Part 1)

…outline of the letter:




Galatians 3:1-4:31 The Failure of Legalism

  1. Personal Experience (3:1-5)

Verse 1

  • foolish… literally:

Q1 “Who has bewitched you?”... word refers to _________________________________________________

  • “Portrayed”:

Verse 2

Q2 How did you receive the Spirit?

  • Receiving the Spirit = 

  • Paul never:

  • “Hearing”... a ______________________________ term;         lit: __________________________

Q. Emphasis? On our _________________________ to __________________________       (passive)

Not the active concept of our ______________________________

Verse 3

Q3… “Are you so foolish?”

Q4… you began by trusting in ______________________________, you are perfected by __________________________?

Verse 4

Q5… When did the Galatians suffer?


  • Option 1: Suffered because of _________________________ and now? ________________________________________________

  • Option 2: Blessing for _____________________________ and a curse for _______________________________________________

  • Option 3: law observance to alleviate ________________________________________

… 4th option??


Galatians 3:1-5 (Part 1)

…outline of the letter:

A. Paul defends his apostleship

B. salvation is by grace through faith

C. Practical outworking of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ

Galatians 3:1-4:31 The Failure of Legalism

  1. Personal Experience (3:1-5)

Verse 1

  • foolish… literally: without mind (opposite of wisdom)

Q1 “Who has bewitched you?”... word refers to black magic

  • “Portrayed”: literally means "to write before." It's something written down for the public to read, as in a public announcement that would be posted on a sign.

Verse 2

Q2 How did you receive the Spirit?

  • Receiving the Spirit = refers to their salvation as gentiles

  • Paul never: questions the salvation of the gentile Christians

  • “Hearing”... a passive term;         lit: the hearing of faith

Q. Emphasis? On our response to God's work       (passive)

Not the active concept of our own work

Verse 3

Q3… “Are you so foolish?”

Q4… you began by trusting in done, you are perfected by doing?

Verse 4

Q5… When did the Galatians suffer?

A:    when Paul left

  • Option 1: Suffered because of grace and now? you're turning away from grace

  • Option 2: Blessing for law obedience and a curse for neglecting God's law

  • Option 3: law observance to alleviate Jewish persecution

… 4th option??

tune in next week! 
