Revelation 16: 12-16...Mike Fitzpatrick...3/13/22


Listen to the sermon audio here:

What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 

Revelation 16:12-16

Verse 12

  • Greek text reads: “ the ___________________________, the ______________________ Euphrates”

    • Word order and the word “great” stress the __________________________ of this target

  • No plague is inflicted _______________________________; this bowl _____________________________ the land for an ______________________________

Q. Literal protection?

Q. Who is invading?

Verse 13

  • 3 unclean spirits = 

    • Dragon is

    • Beast out of the _________________________________

    • False prophet

  • The source behind the armies gathers?

Q. Inspired how?


Verse 14

  • “signs”... in the last days (Rev. 13:13-14, 2 Thess 2:9-10)

    • Purpose?

    • 1 Kings 22:19-23

  • Greek text: “unto the campaign (war) of the day the great one the one of God the Almighty One”

Verse 15

  • The third of seven beatitudes (1:3, 14:13, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 14)

    • An exhortation of ________________________, hope and includes a _________________________________

Q. Speaker?

  1. An announcement

    • “I am coming”… a prophetic present views a future event as ________________________________, as if it was already in the process of ______________________________

  2. A blessing with a warning

    • “Stays awake” = 

Q. Fruit of remaining alert?


Revelation 16:12-16

Verse 12

  • Greek text reads: “ the river, the great one Euphrates”

    • Word order and the word “great” stress the prominence of this target

  • No plague is inflicted directly; this bowl prepares the land for an invasion

Q. Literal protection?

    Yes, as is the case in the following texts: 

Exodus 14:21-22; Isaiah 11:16; Joshua 3:13-17;Joshua 4:23;2 Kings 2:8; Jeremiah 50:38; Jeremiah 51:36

Q. Who is invading?

    nations, countries from the East of Israel. ....Israel is the center/middle of nations (Ezekiel 5:5; Deut 32:8-9

Verse 13

  • 3 unclean spirits = demons

    • Dragon is Satan himself

    • Beast out of the sea

    • False prophet (revelation 13:11...Beast out of the earth)

  • The source behind the armies gathers? words

Q. Inspired how?

  •     demonically inspired

Verse 14

  • “signs”... in the last days (Rev. 13:13-14, 2 Thess 2:9-10)

    • Purpose? to deceive, fool, manipulate

    • 1 Kings 22:19-23

  • Greek text: “unto the campaign (war) of the day the great one the one of God the Almighty One”

Verse 15

  • The third of seven beatitudes (1:3, 14:13, 19:9, 20:6, 22:7, 14)

    • An exhortation of comfort, hope and includes a warning

Q. Speaker?

  1. An announcement

    • “I am coming”… a prophetic present views a future event as certain, as if it was already in the process of occurring

  2. A blessing with a warning

    • “Stays awake” = an encouragement to remain alert (abide in Christ, remain close to Him)

Q. Fruit of remaining alert? righteous behavior and good works

(intimate fellowship with Jesus is what drives the righteous behavior of believers)

(positional righteousness (our standing before God) is declared over us the moment we place our trust in Christ)

(practical righteousness (our actual deeds) is the outworking of that inner reality of positional righteousness
