Galatians 3:6-9...Mike Fitzpatrick...4/24/22


(Listen To The Sermon Audio Here)

                                                                                       Galatians 3:6-9

  • Chapters 3 and 4…”seven reasons why legalism doesn’t work”

    • legalism: a strict, literal, excessive ______________________________ to the law or to a _______________________________ or moral _______________________________

  • 1st reason? 

  • 2nd reason? 

Verse 6

  1. “even so”...points us to: _______________________________

    1. Q…what is Paul comparing? 

________________________ with ________________________

  1. demonstrates Abraham’s salvation _________________________________was the _________________________________

  1. “Abraham believed God”

    1. Believed: _______________________________________

    2. Q…Content of Abraham’s faith? Genesis 15:1-6 ________________________________________________________

  2. “and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”

    1. “reckoned”=_______________________________________

Verse 7

Q…True children of Abraham? 

*”Faith”...used 243x in the NT

  • means: _____________________________________________

  • 4 Exceptions….

    • 1. 

    • 2. 

    • 3. 

    • 4. 

Verses 8-9  Gentile Blessing had been ___________________________

  • predicted when? __________________________________

  • Q…Abraham’s gospel? 

    • a _________________________who ________________________

  • Q…Gentile gospel?  

    • the _______________________who ________________________


                                                                        Galatians 3:6-9

  • Chapters 3 and 4…”seven reasons why legalism doesn’t work”

    • legalism: a strict, literal, excessive conformity to the law or to a religious or moral code

  • 1st reason? The Galatian converts' own experience (Gal 3:1-5)

  • 2nd reason? The Bible says it (Gal 3:6-9)

Verse 6

  1. “even so”...points us to: a comparison

    1. Q…what is Paul comparing? 

subjective experience of Galatian converts with the objective truth of the Old Testament

  1. demonstrates Abraham’s salvation experience was the same

  1. “Abraham believed God”

    1. Believed: amen

    2. Q…Content of Abraham’s faith? Genesis 15:1-6 Abraham will receive a son (a descendant)

  2. “and it was reckoned to him as righteousness”

    1. “reckoned”=calculate, compute, pass to one's account

                          (a word that deals with reality) 
                          (an accounting term-God gives Abraham righteous)

Verse 7

Q…True children of Abraham? Those who believe God

*”Faith”...used 243x in the NT

  • means: trust

  • 4 Exceptions….

    • 1. Acts 17:31-Assurance

    • 2. 2 Thess 2:13-Belief

    • 3. Titus 2:9-10-Fidelity

    • 4. Hebrews 10:39-Belief

Verses 8-9  Gentile Blessing had been foretold

  • predicted when? Genesis 12:1-3

  • Q…Abraham’s gospel? 

    • a son who would come

  • Q…Gentile gospel?  

    • the son who has come

What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 
