How Do We Know That The Bible Is True? ...Mark Rater...2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21

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How Do We Know That The Bible Is True? 

  1. _____________________________ Evidence:

    1. __________________, Authority, and Canonicity

  • God Breathed…2 Timothy  3:16

  • God Dictated…2 Peter 1:20-21

  • Verbal, Plenary Inspiration

  • Biblical Authority

  • Canonicity

    1. Is it authoritative 

    2. Is it prophetic 

    3. Is it authentic

    4. Is it dynamic

    5. Is it received 

    6. Apostolic Approval

  1. ____________________________ Prophecy

    • Only religious book with fulfilled prophecy proven both internally and externally

2.  _____________________________ Evidence: 

  1. ____________________________________ 

  • ____________________________ of Human Authors, Cultures, and Time Periods 

  • Central Theme: ______________________

  1. ______________________________________

    • Stands forever (has survived attack) …1 Peter 1:24-25

  1. _______________________________________

  • There are over 25,000 specific places in the Old Testament alone that are verified in history.

  • Historical people, places, and events can be verified. 

  • Ancient writings outside of the Bible confirm Christ’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection

  1. Fulfilled _________________________(proven in secular history)

  1. _________________________of Revelation 

  1. Transmission/_______________________/Manuscript Evidence

  1. ________________________________

  1. New Birth (1 Peter 1:23-25)

  2. Transformed Lives (Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 1:22) 

  3. Always proves itself true (Jeremiah 1:12)


How Do We Know That The Bible Is True? 

  1. Internal Evidence:

    1. Inspiration, Authority, and Canonicity

  • God Breathed…2 Timothy  3:16

  • God Dictated…2 Peter 1:20-21

  • Verbal, Plenary Inspiration

  • Biblical Authority

  • Canonicity

    1. Is it authoritative 

    2. Is it prophetic 

    3. Is it authentic

    4. Is it dynamic

    5. Is it received 

    6. Apostolic Approval

  1. Fulfilled Prophecy

    • Only religious book with fulfilled prophecy proven both internally and externally

2.  External Evidence: 

  1. Continuity 

  • Diversity of Human Authors, Cultures, and Time Periods 

  • Central Theme: Salvation in Jesus Christ

  1. Preservation

    • Stands forever (has survived attack) …1 Peter 1:24-25

  1. Archaeology and History

  • There are over 25,000 specific places in the Old Testament alone that are verified in history.

  • Historical people, places, and events can be verified. 

  • Ancient writings outside of the Bible confirm Christ’s birth, ministry, death, resurrection

  1. Fulfilled Prophecy (proven in secular history)

  1. Extent of Revelation 

  1. Transmission/Publication/Manuscript Evidence

  1. Impact

  1. New Birth (1 Peter 1:23-25)

  2. Transformed Lives (Romans 12:2; 1 Peter 1:22) 

  3. Always proves itself true (Jeremiah 1:12)

What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 
