Revelation 17:1-6 (Part 2)...Mike Fitzpatrick...5/29/22

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 Revelation 17:1-6 (Part 2)

Verse 1

Q: John’s guide in this chapter? 

A: One of the ___________________________

✔angelic beings as interpreters (Revelation 5:1-5; 7:13-14) 

Q: “come and see” what? _________________________________________

✔Babylon’s fall announced: 

  1. Babylon: 

✔personification of ________________________________ fornication 


✔Jeremiah 2:11-13; 20-28…13:27

  1. _________________________________________________

✔17:15…peoples, multitudes, _______________________, tongues, 

✔ ____________________, influence over humankind

✔ the harlot _________________________________

Verse 2two classes of people are controlled by the harlot: 

  1. ____________________________________________________

  2. ____________________________________________________

Verse 3

✔ “in the Spirit”...1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10

✔ an ___________________________ spiritual state

Q: the harlot “riding” the beast? 

  1. _______________________________________

  2. _______________________________________

Q: blaspheme? speak ____________________________Dan 7:25; 8:23-25; 11:36-37; 2 Thess 3:4

Q: Seven heads, ten horns? 

✔same description as the ________________________________________ (12:3; 20:2) 

✔gives beast: ____________________________________

  1. seven heads = Gentile world _________________________

✔_________________________________ of ________________________________

  1. Ten horns= The ten kings, kingdoms of world empire No. _____________________

Q: object of hatred? __________________________ (17:14) 

Verse 4…two descriptions of the harlot

  1. ________________________________________________

✔regal attire displaying importance, ________________________, authority

✔wealth, ________________________, pleasure, ease

  1. __________________________________________

    1. abominations= 

  1. the unclean things of her immorality 

✔absence of spiritual life hidden with ____________________

Verse 5 

  1. Name on forehead? 

  2. “mystery”? 

✔the mystery is:

  1. Babylon’s ___________________________________

  2. her __________________________________________

  1. What is her name? _____________________________________

✔mother of ___________________________________________

✔mother of abominations 



Revelation 17:1-6 (Part 2)

Verse 1

Q: John’s guide in this chapter? 

A: One of the bowl judgment angels

✔angelic beings as interpreters (Revelation 5:1-5; 7:13-14) 

Q: “come and see” what? the judgment of the great harlot

✔Babylon’s fall announced: Revelation 14:8; 16:19

  1. Babylon: the great harlot

✔personification of spiritual fornication 


✔Jeremiah 2:11-13; 20-28…13:27

  1. She sits on many waters

✔17:15…peoples, multitudes, nations, tongues, 

Rule, influence over humankind

✔ the harlot unifies

Verse 2two classes of people are controlled by the harlot: 

  1. Kings

  2. Earth dwellers

Verse 3

✔ “in the Spirit”...1:10; 4:2; 17:3; 21:10

✔ an exalted spiritual state

Q: the harlot “riding” the beast? 

  1. control over the beast

  2. the beast supports the harlot

Q: blaspheme? speak against Dan 7:25; 8:23-25; 11:36-37; 2 Thess 3:4

Q: Seven heads, ten horns? 

✔same description as the the dragon (12:3; 20:2) 

✔gives beast: power and authority

  1. seven heads = Gentile world empires

Enemies of Israel

  1. Egypt
  2. Assyria
  3. Babylon
  4. Persia
  5. Greece
  6. Rome (a-f already happened)
  7. Revived Rome (Future to us)
  1. Ten horns= The ten kings, kingdoms of world empire No. seven

Q: object of hatred? The Lamb (17:14) 

Verse 4…two descriptions of the harlot

  1. What men see (outward appearance)

✔regal attire displaying importance, power, authority

✔wealth, excess, pleasure, ease

  1. What God sees

    1. abominations= idol worship

a foul, detestable thing

  1. the unclean things of her immorality 

✔absence of spiritual life hidden with indulgence

Verse 5 

  1. Name on forehead? indicates a lack of shame

  2. “mystery”? hidden or secret

✔the mystery is: to be revealed

  1. Babylon’s evil character

  2. her final judgment

  1. What is her name? Babylon the Great

✔mother of harlots

✔mother of abominations 


a city

a system

What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 
