Revelation 17:1-6...Mike Fitzpatrick...5/22/22

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Revelation 17:1-6

  • Revelation 17-18 do not advance the chronological _________________________________

  • “Babylon”...260 x in the Bible, always a _________________________________________

  • Location? 

  • Origin…Genesis 10:8-12

✓ Nimrod=

*Mighty…good? or bad? 


  • Kingdom: Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh

✓ stage 2: 

Q. Why did Nimrod leave Babylon? (Genesis 11:1-9) 

✓ the command? 

✓ Three wave rebellion: 

Q. Why do all of this? 

…God’s response (vv5-9)

  1. Like the “fall” and the “flood” how? _______________________________________________________

  1. Will be ______________________________during the ________________________________________

  1. What won’t be? 


Revelation 17:1-6

  • Revelation 17-18 do not advance the chronological narrative

  • “Babylon”...260 x in the Bible, always a place

  • Location? Modern day Iraq

  • Origin…Genesis 10:8-12

✓ Nimrod= "let us rebel"

*Mighty…good? (Ruth 2:1) or bad? (Psalm 52:1-4) ("might that devours")

*hunter= hunting men (Jeremiah 16:16)

  • Kingdom: Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh

✓ stage 2: 

                            Assyria (v11) (Micah 5:6)

                            Ninevah -became the capital of the Assyrian empire

Q. Why did Nimrod leave Babylon? (Genesis 11:1-9) 

✓ the command? 

        be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth

✓ Three wave rebellion: 

  1. Permanent bricks made
  2. Building a city or a tower
  3. Desire for a name

Q. Why do all of this? 

    it was an organized rebellion against Genesis 9:1

…God’s response (vv5-9)

  1. it is direct

  1. Like the “fall” and the “flood” how? enduring consequences

  1. Will be reversed during the the kingdom (Zephaniah 3:8-9)

  1. What won’t be? reversed

                Nations will remain distinct from one another
                Zechariah 14:9, 16-19
                Isaiah 2:2
                Micah 4:2
                Psalm 72:17
                Revelation 231:24-26


What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 
