1 Peter 2:1-3...Longing For the Nourishing Word of God...Mark Rater...6/26/22

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1 Peter 2:1-3

Longing For the Nourishing Word of God

Review: Peter bookends chapter 1 with “______________ _________________”

vv3-5…Christ, Our Living ________________

vv6-7…Rejoicing in Purposeful Trials

vv8-9…Joy, Glory, and the Outcome of Our Faith     

vv 10-16…Prophets and Angels long to know Messiah

vv17-21…We’ve been ____________________________ 

vv22-25…We’ve been born again through ____________________________

Biblical Summary of the New Birth: 

  1. Other names: _____________________, ___________ _______________, Born Again

  2. Simplified Definition: You are made ________________ spiritually

Verse 1 -    ______________    ___________ sinful deeds

“Therefore”:  refers to what was said in ________________________

Put Away: apotithemi: to ______________ ________________, lay aside (as garments)

---What things? 

 All Malice: kakia: badness, depravity, evil, _______________________, __________ _________________ It's a wickedness that’s not afraid to break the law

All Deceit: dolos: a trick, laying bait for someone or something (catching a fish), to entrap 

Hypocrisy: hypokrisis: acting under a feigned part (___________________it). Acting on a stage. 

Envy: phthonos:  _______________________ with ill will 

All Slander: katalalia: defamation, backbiting, ___________________ ________________________about someone. 

Verse 2     _______________ the Word of God and ____________________ through the Word of God 

Newborn Babies: artigennetos, brephos: just born infants

Long for: epipotheo: to desire greatly, to ______________________ ___________________, to pursue with love, lust after. 

Pure: adalos: sincere, unadulterated, with honest intent, in an unmixed way 

Milk of the word: spiritual _________________________for the believer as untainted milk is physical nourishment to a newborn baby

  • Word of God is: Psalm 19:7-14, Psalm 119:36-42, 2 Timothy 3:16-17

So that: a purpose clause (desire the pure milk of the Word-why?)

Grow: auxano: to grow up, to ____________________ and become greater,  to enlarge 

In respect to salvation:  referring to _____________________ primarily in context, yet broadly to all three: 

  • ____________________________

  • ____________________________

  • Sanctification 

Verse 3-Have ____________________ experienced the Lord’s gracious kindness? 

Tasted: geumai: literally to taste or eat. Figuratively to _________________________. To have perception of

Kindness: chrestos: ______________________ or kind 

--(Have you have been born again by his grace? )


1 Peter 2:1-3

Longing For the Nourishing Word of God

Review: Peter bookends chapter 1 with “born again

vv3-5…Christ, Our Living Hope

vv6-7…Rejoicing in Purposeful Trials

vv8-9…Joy, Glory, and the Outcome of Our Faith

vv 10-16…Prophets and Angels long to know Messiah

vv17-21…We’ve been redeemed 

vv22-25…We’ve been born again through Christ

Biblical Summary of the New Birth: 

  1. Other names: Regeneration, New Birth, Born Again

  2. Simplified Definition: You are made alive spiritually

Verse 1 -Put aside sinful deeds

“Therefore”:  refers to what was said in 1:22-25.

Put Away: apotithemi: to cast off, lay aside (as garments)

---What things? 

 All Malice: kakia: badness, depravity, evil, wickedness. ill will. It's a wickedness that’s not afraid to break the law

All Deceit: dolos: a trick, laying bait for someone or something (catching a fish), to entrap 

Hypocrisy: hypokrisis: acting under a feigned part (faking it). Acting on a stage. 

Envy: phthonos:  jealousy with ill will 

All Slander: katalalia: defamation, backbiting, evil speaking about someone. 

Verse 2   Desire the Word of God and Grow through the Word of God 

Newborn Babies: artigennetos, brephos: just born infants

Long for: epipotheo: to desire greatly, to intensely crave, to pursue with love, lust after. 

Pure: adalos: sincere, unadulterated, with honest intent, in an unmixed way 

Milk of the word: spiritual nourishment for the believer as untainted milk is physical nourishment to a newborn baby

----------Word of God is: Psalm 19:7-14, Psalm 119:36-42, 2 Timothy 3:16-17

So that: a purpose clause (desire the pure milk of the Word-why?)

Grow: auxano: to grow up, to increase and become greater,  to enlarge 

In respect to salvation:  referring to sanctification primarily in context, yet broadly to all three: 

  • Justification. 

  • Glorification

  • Sanctification 

Verse 3 Have you experienced the Lord’s gracious kindness? 

Tasted: geumai: literally to taste or eat. Figuratively to experience. To have perception of

Kindness: chrestos: gracious or kind 

--(if you have been born again by his grace. )

