Galatians 3:19-20...Mike Fitzpatrick...8/14/22

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 Galatians 3:19-20

…Paul’s message in this letter: 

✔ reason 1: The Galatians ____________________________ 3:1-5

✔ reason 2: Legalism fails according to ______________________________________________ 3:6-14

✔ reason 3: God’s ____________________ takes priority over ______________________ that come ________________________________3:15-22

  1. a human illustration (v15, 17) 

  • existing contracts can’t be _______________________

  1. _____________________ is Abraham’s ______________________v16

  • promise available to _________________________________

Q. The promise? ___________________________________________v18

✔ comes by: 

✔ not: 

…so then, why law? (v19-20)

    1. made wrong doing a ____________________ against ________________________

  1. The Law was ____________________________________

  2. Expired When? 


✔ in every age, a _______________________________

✔ shows: 

…3 essentials: 

…angelic involvement proof the law was superior? _________________

✔ Law…God twice __________________________ from the law’s __________________________

✔ promise…direct _____________________, no meditation __________________________


Galatians 3:19-20

…Paul’s message in this letter: Legalism Fails

✔ reason 1: The Galatians own experience 3:1-5

✔ reason 2: Legalism fails according to Old Testament Scripture 3:6-14

✔ reason 3: God’s promise takes priority over rules that come later 3:15-22

  1. a human illustration (v15, 17) 

  • existing contracts can’t be set aside

  1. Christ is Abraham’s seed v16

  • promise available to all

Q. The promise? an inheritance v18

✔ comes by: grace through faith

✔ not: law obedience

…so then, why law? (v19-20)

  1. the law was added
  2. because of transgressions
    1. restrained sin
    2. the law provokes sin
    3. made wrong doing a legal offense against God

  3. The Law was temporary

  4. Expired When? When the seed came

*Dispensationalism= managing the affairs of a household

  1. Innocence Genesis 1:3-3:6
  2. Conscience Genesis 3:7-8:14
  3. Government Genesis 8:15-11:9
  4. Promise Genesis 11:10-Exodus 18:27
  5. Law Exodus 19:1-Acts 1:26
  6. Grace Acts 2:1-Rev 19:21
  7. Kingdom Rev 20:1-5

✔ in every age, a test

✔ shows: the heart of man

…3 essentials: 

  1. practice a consistent, literal interpretation from Genesis to Revelation
  2. keep Israel and the church separate
  3. an emphasis on the glory of God

…angelic involvement proof the law was superior? no

✔ Law…God twice removed from the law’s recipients

✔ promise…direct access, no meditation required
