Revelation 17:9-14...Mike Fitzpatrick...8/28/22

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Revelation 17:9-14

…where we’ve been (v. 1-7): quick review

  • verses 8-14…information concerning the ___________________

  • verses 15-18? ___________________

Verse 8: the beast…


Q. Empire or ruler?

Q. New Rome’s source?

Q. Final destiny?

Verses 9-10


  • 7 heads are 7 mountains and _______________________

                  ✔mountains can refer to:

_______________________, _______________________, _______________________ in scripture

*keep the beast and the woman _______________________!!

Q. Five fallen kingdoms?






Q. One is ?

                  ✔ all 6 “kings” are a ___________________ of world empires (kingdoms)

                 ✔ prior to kingdom 7, an ___________________ in that rule   (v. 8)

                 ✔ kingdom 7?

Verse 11

Q. The beast was and is not? _____________________

Q The number 8??? The 7th kingdom “becomes” the 8th in the ________________________ of the ________________________

Verse 12

  • 7 heads… a ____________________ of world empires

                 ✔ 10 horns=

Q. How long do they rule?

Verses 13-14


Q. The plan?

✔ required ____________________ preparations

✔location is ____________________

✔ end result

*Note: “kings” in both texts=

…final empire is no match for the Lamb




Revelation 17:9-14

…where we’ve been (v. 1-7): quick review

  • verses 8-14…information concerning the beast

  • verses 15-18? the woman

Verse 8: the beast…

he was ruling globally

is not (Rome stopped ruling in 476 AD)

✔ comes from the abyss (revived Rome)

goes to destruction

Q. Empire or ruler? Answer: Empire

Q. New Rome’s source? demonic

Q. Final destiny? a perishing rule

Verses 9-10

*wisdom= knowledge applied

  • 7 heads are 7 mountains and 7 kings

                  ✔mountains can refer to:

empires, kings, and kingdoms in scripture (Psalm 30:7, Psalm 68: 15-16, Daniel 2:45, Isaiah 2:2, Isaiah 41:15. Hab 3:6, 10, Zech 4:7)

*keep the beast and the woman seperate!! (they are not the same being)

Q. Five fallen kingdoms?

  1.  Egypt

  2.  Assyria

  3.  Babylon

  4.  Persia

  5.  Greece

Q. One is ? Rome (Dan 2:17-23)

                  ✔ all 6 “kings” are a succession of world empires (kingdoms)

                 ✔ prior to kingdom 7, an interruption in that rule   (v. 8)

                 ✔ kingdom 7? in power for a brief time

Verse 11

Q. The beast was and is not? a reference to his resurrection

Q The number 8??? The 7th kingdom “becomes” the 8th in the second half of the tribulation

Verse 12

  • 7 heads… a composite of world empires

                 ✔ 10 horns= the beast's empire (kings without kingdoms in at the time of John's writing)

Q. How long do they rule? a brief time

Verses 13-14

*purpose= intention, one of mind

Q. The plan?

✔ required supernatural preparations

✔location is fixed

✔ end result Revelation 19:19-21

*Note: “kings” in both texts= the 10 kings

…final empire is no match for the Lamb

  1.  The Lamb is the Lord of lords

  2.  He's the King of kings

  3. The Lamb does not return to earth alone (we'll cover this next time)
