Luke 19:45-48...Mike Fitzpatrick...8/21/22


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Luke 19:45-48

…Mark’s timeline: 

  • 11:12-14   Fig tree cursed on ___________________

  • vv15-18     Temple cleansed

  • vv19-26     Disciples react, Jesus teaches. 


…review the curse: 

✔ Jesus _________________________ hungry (Matt 21:18). Evidence of His _____________________________

Q. Does Jesus’ hunger get the best of Him in this instance? Does He curse an innocent tree out of anger? 

  1. This tree ___________________________ to have something it _______________________________

  2. Jesus uses the tree to ________________________________

Q. The curse…no more fruit ever!...National Israel? 

Q. So who is Jesus referring to? 

Jesus cleanses the temple for the 2nd time (Luke 19:45-48)

…1st cleansing        John 2:13-22      two purposes: 

  1. Declaration of Jesus’ ___________________________

…2nd cleansing 3 years later: 

  • A ______________________ of coming _______________________

       ✔ O.T. text #1…pretend ______________________ does not make you _____________________, empty ___________________ doesn’t cover _____________________

       ✔ O.T. text #2…Kingdom worship won’t _________________________________________________________________________


Luke 19:45-48

…Mark’s timeline: 

  • 11:12-14   Fig tree cursed on monday

  • vv15-18     Temple cleansed

  • vv19-26     Disciples react, Jesus teaches. 


…review the curse: 

✔ Jesus bacame hungry (Matt 21:18). Evidence of His humanity

Q. Does Jesus’ hunger get the best of Him in this instance? Does He curse an innocent tree out of anger? 

  1. The text never says Jesus was mad at the tree.
  2. This tree professed to have something it did not have

  3. Jesus uses the tree to teach

Q. The curse…no more fruit ever!...National Israel? 

  1. Nowhere in the Bible is Israel a fig tree
  2. According to the Bible, Israel WILL bear fruit (Jeremiah 31:35)

Q. So who is Jesus referring to? 

The generation of Jews who rejected Jesus as Messiah

Jesus cleanses the temple for the 2nd time (Luke 19:45-48)

…1st cleansing        John 2:13-22      two purposes: 

  1. Declaration of Jesus’ identity as Messiah

  2. A warning to the religious elite

…2nd cleansing 3 years later: 

  • A statement of coming judgment

       ✔ O.T. text #1 (Jeremiah 7:1-10)…pretend religion does not make you safe, empty ritual doesn’t cover sin

       ✔ O.T. text #2…Kingdom worship won’t look like this (foreigners and gentiles WILL be welcome)
