1 Peter 2:4-10 (Christ is our Foundation…Part 4)...Mark Rater...9/18/22


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1 Peter 2:4-10 (Christ is our Foundation…Part 4) 


Priesthood in Old Testament: 

  • Only the sons of ______________________ were called to be priests

 -a very _______________________ position 

  • Stood between holy God and sinful man and offered 

sacrifices prescribed by God for right relationship with God 

  • Had _____________________ to God’s dwelling place (tabernacle and the temple)

  • Had a _______________________ Great High Priest

Priesthood in NT: 

  • ________ ____________________ in Christ are priests

-a very exclusive position

  • Christ stood between a holy Father and sinful man and

 offered _____________________once for all for sin in place of sinful man. 

  • Has full __________________________ to God at all times

 through the word, prayer, and the indwelling 

                 Holy Spirit (Eph 2:18, Hebrews 10:19-22)

  • ___________________ is our Great High Priest… (Heb 4:14-16, 9:24, 10:19-22.)

  • the priesthood of all believers offers _________________________ sacrifices…

    • Romans 12:1-2 (conduct of body and ______________________)

    • Hebrews 13:15-16 (__________________, doing good,sharing)

    • Philippians 4:18 (__________________ ) 

  • Not physical sacrifices for sin…Christ already has done that 

  • these spiritual sacrifices are acceptable only

 because of the once for all physical sacrifice of 

_______________ on behalf of sinners  (v5) 

Verse 6… Quoted from ______________________

The word “for” ties vv 4-5 to verse 6…

 (believer is not disappointed/put to shame,

 but enjoys __________________, _______________________, and

 ___________________ to God as he/she is built into

 a spiritual house and a holy priesthood). 

“Not Disappointed” = ______________________________________

  • Believer gets these v4-5 privileges

  • Gains ________________ _________________ in 

  • the presence of God Wicked are headed for 

                disaster and _________________, believers headed for 

                 glory ___________________ ___________________ (2 Thess 1:5-12) 

Verse 7

The “precious value” is 

  • ________________ _____________________

    • verse 4-the living stone that is choice and precious to God

    • verse 6-a precious cornerstone

  • For those who _________________________ 

For those who disbelieve: quoted from _______________________

  • You've rejected the precious foundation of 

your _________________ (spiritual house), 

your _____________________ from, _______________________ with,

 and ___________________ to God (priesthood)

Verse 8…quoted from _________________________

Stone of Stumbling: They stumble over Christ 

to their ___________________ 

Rock of Offense: The gospel of Christ is _____________________to the

 unbeliever (1 Corinthians 1:18) 

Reason for unbelievers stumbling to doom: ___________________________

 to the word

  • To the __________________(Romans 3:19-25) 

  • To the _________________(Romans 3:23, John 3:16-18) 

  • Unbelievers were ______________________ to this doom: 

    • Appointed: ____________________

      • God has appointed the _________________________ 

                                                for their disobedience
