1 Peter 2:10...Christ Is Our Foundation (Part 6)...Mark Rater...10/16/22

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1 Peter 2:9-10… Christ Is Our Foundation (Part 6)

vv9-10…Believers in Christ are: 

Chosen Race: Deut 7:6-8

Applied to Israel: An ______________________ race of people ____________________ descended from Abraham.

Applied to the church: a spiritual race of people ___________________________________

Royal Priesthood: Exodus 19:6

Applied to Israel: offered _________________ sacrifices of animals to atone for sin and performed rituals as directed by God

Applied to the church: offers _____________________ sacrifices of thanksgiving, proclaiming the once for all sacrifice for sin made by Jesus Christ 

Holy nation: Ex 19:6 (cf. Lev. 19:2; 20:26; Deut. 7:6; Is. 62:12)

Applied to Israel: 

  • Israel was a __________________ nation of people called to be ___________________________ from the world 

Applied to the church: 

  • church is a _________________________ group of people to be ________________________________ from the world 

A people for God’s own possession: Exodus 19:5; Deut 4:20; Deut 7:6; Deut 14:2; Isaiah 43:21

All of these things were originally said of Israel… 

Has the church replaced Israel? 

  • _________.  The church is an __________________________ into God’s dealings with man, not a _____________________________ for Israel. 

Today’s text.. v9 Proclamation of Christ is the function of the church

Proclaim: _______________________________

Excellencies: ______________________________

Darkness:  _____________________________________

  • Represents: ________________________________

Marvelous: _________________________________________

Light:  _______________________________________________

  • Represents: ____________________________________________

V10: Hosea 1:6-10, 2:23

  • Mercy: To pity, have mercy on.; to be _______________________

Applied to Israel: 

  • God’s _________________________  and _________________________ of His disobedient nation won’t last forever. 

  • He will _______________ _____________

Applied to the Church: 

  • Salvation has now been fully and openly offered to the gentiles 

  • Previously, gentiles were not the ________________ people of God.

  • Did not receive His __________________ in their unbelief. 

  • Were excluded from Israel, strangers to God’s promises, without hope and without God (Eph 2:11-12)

  • Now are the ____________________ ____ _____________________

  • Now have __________________ ____________________________

This is the case for each one of us. 

  • What we were _________________ Christ= not a people. 

  • What we are ___________ Christ=the people of God…

  • We had ___________________________ mercy before Christ. 

  • We now ______________________________ mercy in Christ 
