1 Peter 2:9… Christ Is Our Foundation (Part 5)...Mark Rater...10/9/22

    What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved?  

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1 Peter 2:9… Christ Is Our Foundation (Part 5)


vv4-7The believer enjoys fellowship with God by _____________ in Jesus Christ…built into a ______________ and a ________________________

vv7-8The unbeliever is appointed to doom as a consequence of ________________________

Today’s text: v9…Believers in Christ are: 

Chosen Race: Deut 7:6-8

Chosen: __________________________________________________

Race:  _____________________________________________________

Applied to Israel: an ______________________ race of people _____________________ descended from Abraham.

Applied to the church: a spiritual race of people ________________________________

Royal Priesthood: Exodus 19:6

Priesthood: people called by God to help facilitate right relationship between man and God 

Applied to Israel: offered _____________________________ sacrifices of animals to atone for sin and performed rituals as directed by God

Applied to the church: offers _____________________sacrifices of thanksgiving, proclaiming the once for all sacrifice for sin made by Jesus Christ 

Holy nation: Ex 19:6 (cf. Lev. 19:2; 20:26; Deut. 7:6; Is. 62:12)

Holy: ___________ __________________ for God, sacred. 

Nation: a specific ______________________of people 

Applied to Israel: 

  • Israel was called to be ____________________ from the world 

  • a ___________________________ nation of people bound by geography, bound by physical descent

  • they were to proclaim the Excellencies of ____________and all of this works

Applied to the church: 

  • church is to be __________________________ from the world 

  • it is a _____________________ nation of people from every tribe tongue language and nation 

  • bound by ______________  ______________ as their defining trait 

  • church is to proclaim the __________________of Jesus Christ

A people for God’s own possession: Exodus 19:5; Deut 4:20; Deut 7:6; Deut 14:2; Isaiah 43:21

Possession: _________________________________________________
