Galatians 3:21-22...Mike Fitzpatrick...11/6/22

What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 

 Galatians 3:21-22

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…Paul’s third point in his defense of his gospel: 

3. Legalism fails because God’s ________________________ takes priority over ________________ that came after the promise was given (Gal 3:15-22) 

Q. Why the Law? v19 

  1. Law was _________________________. It came after God’s covenant with Abraham. 

  2. Because of _________________________

✔made wrong doing a ___________________ offense against 


  1. “until” means: __________________________

  2. Law expired when? 

Q. Angelic involvement as “Law” was given makes it superior to God’s promise? 

Verse 21

Q. Is the Law contrary to the promise of God? 

✔ Law could only produce a ______________________, promise produces ___________________________ (3:1-12) 

✔Promise came first. Law cannot modify or nullify an already made _____________________________ (3:13-18) 

….Paul’s answer: 

  1. What the Law cannot do (v21) 

✔ promise: 

✔ inheritance: 

✔ obtained by: 

✔ Law can’t: 

  1. What God’s Law does accomplish (v22) 

    1. points people away _________________________________ who are seeking _______________________________from: _________________________________________________________

    2. turns them to the ____________________ of ___________________________ that only comes through _________________________________________
