Galatians 3:23-29...Mike Fitzpatrick...11/13/22

What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 

Galatians 3:23-29

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Q. Law’s purpose? 

✔exposes and reveals___________________

✔ defines it as __________________ against _________________________

Covenant of Law                                                                                                                                         

  1. Earn blessing by ________________________                                                                                 

  2. Came after God’s guaranteed promise                                                                                    

  3. Always results in __________________________________ and a curse                                          

  4. Temporary _____________________________                                                                                     

  5. Given 3rd hand _____________________________                                                                             

  6. Lots of _________________________________

 Covenant Of Promise

 1.  Received freely by _________________________________

 2.  Law unable to nullify or modify

 3.  Brings ________________________ and ___________________________

 4.  ____________________________________ Genesis 17:7

 5.  No ________________________________

 6.  No _________________________________

Q. Are they in opposition?  No! They _________________________________________ one another 

✔ Law __________________________ to God’s _____________________________

✔ Promise=

✔ How obtained?  Inheritance only given to a rightful _______________, therefore: become a _______________________________

✔ How?  Become a person of _________________________

Fourth section in Paul’s defense of the gospel showing the failure of legalism: 

  • anyone attempting to achieve a works based righteousness remains spiritually immature (Galatians 3:23-4:1-7) 

…Five arguments to support this point: 

  1. Argument #1…before faith came, “Law” acted as

…3 things result when a person promotes from “Law” to faith in the promise: 

  1. When faith arrives, so does ______________

  2. The tutor is no longer _________________________ and his ________________________ has _____________________

  3. Under faith in God’s promise we have a new ________________________. We are _______________________________

Q. Law’s intent? 

✔ not to: 

✔ this: 

2. Argument #2…We have entered a new and different ____________________________________ (v27-29) 

Q.  Means for entering? 

Q. End Result? 

  • Union with Christ creates a ______________________ with other people of faith (v28)

✔ roles are still distinguishing but have nothing to do with _____________________, value or _________________________

  • Union with Christ=

✔ ___________________________ to _________________________________

✔ ___________________________ of ________________________________
