1 Peter 2:13-15...Mark Rater...12/4/22

 What is the Gospel? How Can I Be Saved? 

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1 Peter 2:13-15

1 Peter 2:13-14; ‭‭Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬-‭9‬ Human government is given by God to restrain sin, to keep order, to punish evil and to reward good deeds

Matthew 22:15 Jesus tells his disciples to render to Caesar (the governing authority) what is Caesar’s and render to God what is God’s

Christians are only to disobey the government when the government commands something God calls sin or outlaws what scripture commands us to do. 

Exodus 1

Joshua 2

1 Samuel 14:45

2 Kings 18

Dan 3

Dan 6

Acts 4:19–20

Acts 5:29

Revelation 13:15

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭2‬:‭1‬-‭6 Pray for leaders

Titus 3:1-2 be subject to authority and show consideration for all people 

1 Peter 2:15  Our obedience will shut the mouths of unbelievers toward us
