Slavery: What Does The Bible Say? (Part Two) -Northwest Bible Fellowship-1 Peter 2:18...1/29/23

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 1 Peter 2:18-25…Slavery: What The Bible Says (Part Two

Modern slavery/human trafficking and the 18th and 19th century Pre Civil War, Transatlantic slave trade (American South)

  1. Based on race, Motivated by free labor 

  1. Involuntary (you are forced into it) 

  2. Permanent (you’re a slave forever unless you escape against your master’s 

  3. Poor and horrible treatment, people viewed as sub-human property, people exploited 

In The Ancient World (before and during Old Testament times): 

  1. Based on class/social status/power

  2. Both Involuntary and voluntary 

  3. Motivated by various things depending upon what type of slavery 

  4. Sometimes permanent and sometimes temporary

  5. Mostly poor treatment 

In the Graeco-Roman World (during New Testament times): (the setting of 1 Peter 2)

  1. Based on social class/social status/power

  2. Both Involuntary and voluntary

  3. Motivated by various things depending upon what type of slavery 

  4. Sometimes permanent and sometimes temporary

  5. Treatment varied, but often poor treatment

What The Bible Says   

The Bible’s instruction about slavery and how slaves were to be treated was countercultural at the time it was written 

  1. Based on social class, not race. 

    1. Bible teaches that God man in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and promotes dignity for all people as the ideal 

    2. Bible calls for us to love your neighbor as yourself (Lev 19: 17-18, Matthew 22:35-40) 

    3. Bible calls us to treat others the way that we would like to be treated (Mt 7:12, Lk 6:31)

  2. Was both voluntary or involuntary


  1. Captives taken after conquering God’s enemies,(DT 20). 

  2. Slavery was a punishment for crime (Gen 43:18, Ex 22:3)

  3. Some were enslaved for unpaid debts (Lev 25:39, Matthew 18:25)


  1. Some sold themselves to pay off a debt (Lev 25:47)

  2. Some were hired and acted as employees (Lk 15:17)

  3. You are not to kidnap and sell anyone (Exodus 21:16) 

  1. Motivated by various things depending upon what type of slavery

    1. Keeping war captives from dangerous and deadly revolt 

    2. The welfare of the poor 

  2. Was temporary in most cases 

    1. 6 year limit for Israelites (Exodus 21:2-3, Deut 15:12-18)

    2. Release in the year of Jubilee (Lev 25:39-41)

    3. Israelites sold to foreigners could be redeemed by nearest of kin (Lev 25:47-55)

    4. To be well furnished at the completion of their service (Deut 15:13-14)

    5. Freedom given to slaves maimed or injured by their masters (Ex 21:26-27)

    6. Non Israelite slaves could be kept permanently and passed down to children (Lev 25:44-46)...

    7. A slave could choose to permanently entrust himself to his master (Deut 15:12-18)

  3. Bible legislates fair and just treatment of slaves

(look to how Abraham’s servant speaks of Abraham in Genesis 24) 

  1. Kidknapping forbidden (Deut 21:10-14, 24:7, 1 Timothy 1:10)

  2. Do not oppress (Dt 24:14)

  3. Do not return a fugitive slave (Deut 23:15-16)

  4. To be given Sabbath rest (Ex 20:10, Lev 25:6)

  5. Rights are given to those born in slavery

    1. Right to circumcision (Genesis 17:13-27)

    2. Right to religious activity of the master’s house (Dt 12:12,18)

    3. Participation in national celebrations (Deut 12:18, 16:11, 14)

    4. Sometimes treated as  sons (Prov 29:21)

  6. Kindness to slaves is commanded (Lev 25:43, Eph 6:5-9) 

  7. Hired servants to were to be paid quickly (Lev 19:13, Deut 24:15)

  8. Punishment for killing a slave (Ex 21:20-21)

  9. Freedom given to slaves maimed or injured by their masters (Ex 21:26-27)

  10. Sometimes married into master’s family (1 Chron 2:34-35)

The message of the Bible regarding slavery was extremely countercultural at the time it was written…

  1. Culture says slaves are merely property

  2. Bible says slaves are human beings and are to be treated justly

But why does the Bible not just outright condemn and outlaw slavery? 

  1. The Bible assumes and states that unjust treatment of others is sin 

  2. Master/subordinate relationship is not necessarily sinful

  3. The Bible’s intent is not primarily social reform, but spiritual transformation

  4. Outlawing something does not stop it due to man’s sinful heart

  5. The Bible’s intent is not uprising, overthrowing, and revolt against sinful social circumstance, but changed hearts coming to the knowledge of Jesus Christ…

  6. God is patient and willing that none would perish and that all would be saved (2 Peter 3:9)

  7. The Bible does affirm the value of every person 

    1. Made in the image of God (Gen 1:27)

    2. One in Christ, no distinctions (Galatians 3:26-28)

  8. The Bible provides instruction about the ethics of human interaction and the example in Jesus Christ (1 Peter 2:18)

  9. The Bible establishes God’s guidelines about slavery

    1. Slaves will be held accountable for how they obey serve their masters (Eph 6:5-8)

    2. Masters will be held accountable for how they treat slaves (Eph 6:9) 

  10. Slavery in different parts of the world was eventually abolished because of the Bible’s teaching about it

    1. The Abolitionist movement in the 1800’s was fueled by Christ followers 
