1 Peter 3:18-22 Northwest Bible Fellowship 4/16/23

How To Have a Relationship With God


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1 Peter 3:18-22 


Your suffering for righteousness’ sake (vv13-17)

  • Brings blessing for you 

  • Should not be a thing to be feared (v14)

  • Honors Christ (v15-honor Christ as holy)

  • Witnesses to others (v15-reason for hope that is in you)

  • Shames those who would revile your good behavior (v16)  

…Christ’s suffering is an example for us to follow

Today’s Text: 

Christ’s suffering 

  • Occurred ________________________for sins (v18)

    • not repeatedly as the OT sacrifices did 

  • A righteous________________________ was offered for the unrighteous (v18)

  • Brought __________________________________to God (v18)

  • Did not continue, but resulted in His __________________________(v19,21)

  • Resulted in ____________________________to the disobedient (v19-20)

  • Results in a good _______________________given to those who appeal to God (v21)

  • Results in Christ being exalted in __________________________________over all (v22)
