1 Peter 3:18-22 (Part 2)-Northwest Bible Fellowship, April 23, 2023

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1 Peter 3:18-22… Part 2


Christ’s suffering 

  1. Occurred once for sins (v18)

  1. A righteous substitute was offered for the unrighteous (v18)

  2. Brought sinners to God (v18)

  3. Did not continue, but resulted in His resurrection (v19,21)

  4. Resulted in a proclamation to the disobedient (v19-20)

  5. Results in a good conscience given to those who appeal to God (v21)

  6. Results in Christ being exalted in authority over all (v22)

(Today’s text Picks Up at #5 above)

Resulted in a ________________ to the disobedient (v19-20)

Alive in his spirit, he….

  • Went

  • Proclaimed

  • To the spirits in prison (who had disobeyed in the days of Noah) (Genesis 6-8)

Who are they and where are the spirits in prison?

  • “spirits” can mean either ___________________, ______________, or _________________

Three main interpretations: 

1. Christ preached ______________ Noah (1 Pet. 3:18), 2 Pet. 2:5, 1 Peter 1:11) 

2. Christ _________________ preaching to human  spirits in hades

3. Christ preaching to _____________________ in hades/hell  (Genesis 6:1-4, Matt 8:16, Rev. 20:7 , 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6)


What we know….Christ proclaimed a message to disobedient spirits from Noah’s day in prison….

What is the message? 

  • Most likely a proclamation of His ________________over sin. 

  • It is not a second offer of _______________________

(Hebrews 9:27, Luke 16:19-3)

Why a proclamation? 

  • Because they were _________________in the ____________________

Here’s what we do know from the text…

  • Christ was physically put to death 

  • Though put to death, he is now alive in the text 

  • He makes a proclamation to spirits in prison from Noah’s day.

  • God was patient with the disobedient

  • God was preparing a way of escape from his wrath

  • Only a few heeded the message and were saved

  • Baptism corresponds to this (we’ll explore this next week)
