1 Peter 3:18-22 (Part 3) Northwest Bible Fellowship, April 30, 2023

How To Have a Relationship With God


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1 Peter 3:18-22… Part 3


Christ’s suffering 

  1. Occurred once for sins (v18)

  1. A righteous substitute was offered for the unrighteous (v18)

  2. Brought sinners to God (v18)

  3. Did not continue, but resulted in His resurrection (v19,21)

  4. Resulted in a proclamation to the disobedient (v19-20)

  5. Results in a good conscience given to those who appeal to God (v21)

  6. Results in Christ being exalted in authority over all (v22)

(Today’s text Picks Up at #5 above)

5. Results in a good ______________________given to those who appeal to God (v21)

Baptism: __________________________

  1. A _________________________in Scripture 

  2. An _________________________of the church

  3. An Act of ___________________and Obedience (not an act of ______________________________)

  4. A _____________________________________of Our Salvation

Corresponds to: "__________________________" 

  • Type/Shadow:  a divinely intended ______________________________

    • A type is always identified as such in the New Testament. 

    • Example: the sacrificial system 

  • Antitype: the actual thing foreshadowed by the type. 

  • Type: The ____________________and the __________________in Noah’s day is a type 

  • Antitype: of _______________________and _________________________in Christ as symbolized and professed through baptism.

Now Saves: 

  • not as a removal of dirt: 

    • Not the mere ______________________________itself

  • but as an appeal: an intense ________________, a question; profession, pledge

  • Good (____________________ and virtuous)

  • Conscience : your inner ______________________/alert system for right and wrong…moral awareness

Baptism saves in the sense that there is an actual removal of the guilt of sin…not through the ceremony, but by what it represents…the sacrificial death of Christ ___________________to you and the new life in Christ being applied to ___________________

Baptism saves you in the sense that it __________________________your appeal to God for a good conscience.

6. Results in Christ being exalted in ____________________________________over all (v22)
