1 Peter 3:13-17 Northwest Bible Fellowship 3/19/23

How To Have a Relationship With God

How Do We Know That The Bible Is True? 


1 Peter 3:13-17 (Listen Here)

Speaker: Mark Rater

-A call to Christlike character 

  • That starts in the ___________ and ___________ (v8)

  • And results in certain _____________ (v9) that will…

    • _________________ others (v9)

    • bless _____________ (v12)

    • ___________________ Christ (v15)

    • and ________________ revilers (those who speak against your good behavior) (v16)

Verses 13-17: Your suffering for righteousness’ sake 

  • Brings ____________________ for you (v14)

  • Should not be a thing to be ______________________ (v14)

  • _________________ Christ (v15-honor Christ as holy)

  • _________________ to others (v15-reason for hope that is in 


  • __________________those who would revile your good behavior (v16)  

  • It’s ___________________ than suffering for doing evil (v17)

  • Is sometimes God’s __________________________(v17)
